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What A Long Year This Week Has Been

I wanted to take some time to reflect on the week that was March 15th-21st, 2020.

I think the phrase “what a long year this week has been,” summarizes the sentiment and feeling of this long, long week. It does feel like the past week had the entire events of a year in just one week.

The phrases “social distancing”, “flattening the curve”, “life-sustaining businesses”, “self-quarantine”, and “it’s a fluid situation” have been etched in our minds forever.

After this long, long week, we watched the governors of the states of Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois and California enforce rules we thought just a few weeks ago were impossible in our free country.

We watched governors order private businesses to shut their doors and bring our robust economy to a halt. We saw the U.S. markets have their worst week since 2008 and one of the fastest bear markets in U.S. History.

Our normal lives have been disrupted. It can sometimes feel like we’re in an apocalyptic movie. It’s been stressful, scary, strange, and downright confusing.

What are we to do at a time like this?

The same thing we’ve always done in times of trial in this great country. We come together! Coming together may be different this time because of social distancing, but by using technology, we can have a community together.

We can work together through the use of this technology to combat this virus. We have seen some amazing things happen in our communities these past two weeks.

  • We’ve seen our neighbors stand up together and fight this virus.
  • We’ve seen our young folks work as cashiers of local groceries.
  • We’ve seen these truck drivers fuel our supply chain, even at the threat of the virus.
  • There are so many essential businesses that are working for our community together.
  • Our health care workers are putting themselves in danger every day to work together for our common good.

Some of these workers have become the new heroes of our society. Much like the emergency responders were with the terrorist attacks of 9/11. When we get past the noise and the negativity, we’re seeing America at one of its finest hours.

Just like that feeling on September 12, 2001 we’re seeing America come together. We’re seeing America come together to deliver the necessary goods. We need to fight this virus.

We’re going from a divided country to unified, unstoppable force. Republicans and Democrats are tearing down those party lines and no longer referring to themselves as Republicans or Democrats, but simply put as Americans, once again.

We have a choice.

We can focus on the things we control like

  • how we treat others,
  • what information we choose to digest and
  • taking precautions to protect ourselves and others from this virus.

Or we could choose the focus on things we cannot control, like

  • government mandates,
  • markets, and
  • being quarantined.

I want to thank each and every one of our clients that has chosen to use us to help them with one of the things they can control, their financial plan.

We know these times are not easy, but we will come out of this together. We could not have predicted these unprecedented events, these unprecedented times, but we could predict at some point markets would go down and we have built our client’s financial plans for times just like these.

If you need us, we’re here for you. We can help you stick to your plan. We thank you for allowing us to serve you, and we pray that you stay healthy, safe, and positive throughout this crisis.

I would like to end with a quote from Laura Kelly Fanucci.

“When this is over, may we never again take for granted the

  • handshake from a stranger,
  • full shelves at the store,
  • conversation with neighbors,
  • a crowded theater,
  • Friday night out,
  • the taste of communion,
  • a routine checkup,
  • the school rush each morning,
  • coffee with a friend,
  • the stadium roaring, each deep breath,
  • a boring Tuesday, and
  • life itself.

When this ends, may we find that we become more like the people we want to be, we’re called to be, we hoped to be, and may we stay that way – better for each other because of the worst. “

Thank you, and may God bless you and keep you in his grace.


This material represents an assessment of the market environment at a specific point in time and is not intended to be a forecast of future events or a guarantee of future results. The information presented does not constitute a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security and is not a recommendation of any kind. Please consult your financial advisor before making financial decisions. Investing involves risk, including the potential loss of principal. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.  (03/20)

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