How We Work With Non-profit Organizations


We are here to empower your work!

One of our core values is charitable and we believe the non-profits in America are vitally important to our communities. We partner with non-profits to help them be good stewards of their resources. The challenge of a non-profit are unique and its important to work with planner that understands your needs.

We find that often many small churches, fire departments, adoption agencies, homeless shelters, social services and other non profits do amazing work but have little knowledge on how to manage investments or handle gifting from their supporters. We work with non profit boards to develop an investor policy statement (IPS) that is unique to their mission, goals, and purpose. We find that many non-profits skip this important step and pick an investment manager based on past returns or fees instead of using a Request for Proposal (RFP) process based on the investment strategy that meets their goals. In doing so you have a better probability of getting an investment manager that will provide your non-profit with the strategy that is right for you. Furthermore this can create long-term continuity of your investment strategy as your board cycles through members.  Another important part of this IPS is a gifting policy that has a process for how you accept donations, what requirements donors can have, and how to invest those resources. An IPS will also put in place how investments and can be used which puts a process in place instead of emotionally charge board meetings to decide when and how to use the funds. Lastly an IPS can make donors more confident in your non-profits stewardship and potentially increase donations. 

In addition to helping non-profits create an Investor Policy Statement (IPS), we also accept RFPs from Non-profits to bid on managing their investments. 

Our Non-Profit Process

Learn about your non-profit

We help you develop your Investor Policy Statement (IPS)

You put out Request for Proposal (RFP) based on IPS

You hire an investment manager based on your IPS

Monitor your investment manager based on IPS

Monitor IPS annually

Hire Financial Planner to Create an Investor Policy Statement (IPS)


Building The IPS

Includes meeting with the investor committee of the board or the board as a whole multiple times and presenting to the board for a final vote

The purpose of funds should be clearly stated

The amount of allocated resources to short term, midterm and long term investing should be clearly stated

Permitted types of investing should be clearly stated

Asset allocation bands should be clearly stated

Process for updating IPS should be clearly stated

Gifting policy should be defined

Role of investment manager should be defined

This process typically takes 1-3 months

Our Fees For Non-Profits

Developing an Investor Policy Statement (IPS)




Based on the complexity of your non-profit.

Investment Management





Advisory Fee / Account Value

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