
Discover And Declare Your Why

There are a few exercises I believe everyone should do in life to discover their calling and create a compass to guide their life. They ...

5 Leadership Lessons From Ted Lasso

Ted Lasso is that feel good comedy we need more of on television. It makes you laugh which is good for your soul, but the ...

Defining Your Roles

There are a few exercises I believe everyone should do in life to discover their calling and create a compass to guide their life. They ...

9 Lessons I learned from my Dad

My father was called home to be with God 9 years ago on Thanksgiving Day, November 24th, 2011. Today would have been his 72nd birthday. There ...

Knock, Knock! It’s the “Backdoor” Roth IRA

In my year end planning with clients there is a topic that is discussed often, IRA contributions. Should they contribute to their Traditional IRA, should ...

What’s In An Auto Policy?

It is almost impossible to turn on the TV or listen to the radio and not see or hear an ad for auto insurance. Just ...

5 Things That May Be Causing You to Pay More for Auto Insurance

Collision Coverage and What Car You Drive This is the most expensive part of the policy. The insurance company knows that they are the ones ...

5 Investment Themes of a Biden Administration

The Associated Press has declared Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 election and expected to become our 46th President in January. This means a new ...

Umbrella Insurance – Don’t get caught in the rain!

We find that umbrella insurance is one of the most overlooked, least known insurance policies from clients we work with. They know about basics of ...

Can your home or auto insurance stop you from retiring on time?

Why is my home and auto insurance important? We often find that most clients neglect the role their home and auto insurance play in their ...

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